Click here or scan the QR Code to open ‘Epson Printer’ in Facebook Messenger. Next, tap ‘GET STARTED’.

When the ‘Epson Printer’ chat screen is displayed, go through the 'Terms of Use' and the 'Privacy Statement'. Next, tap ‘Confirm’.

Tap ‘REGISTER PRINTER’. On the next screen, enter the printer's email address and then tap ‘Register’. This email address is your printer’s Epson Connect email address.

Note: If you do not have an email address for your printer, tap ‘Get an email address’, or click here to register with Epson Connect.

And, you're ready. Just attach the photos you want to print on the 'Epson Printer' chat screen - to print with ease.

Note: Using the prompt that appears post registration, you can adjust your print settings if required.

For FAQs about printing with Facebook Messenger, click here.