MOVERIO Developers

A New Way to See the World

The Epson MOVERIO family of devices are the market standard for developers building smart eyewear applications today. A custom-designed and developed application running on the latest MOVERIO device from Epson is a great way to stand out from the competition and move your business forward.

If you are a DEVELOPER interested in creating the next Augmented Reality application on MOVERIO, or to pioneer smart glasses solution, access access available resources below.

If your COMPANY is looking for software providers to integrate MOVERIO smart glasses and its applications as a new technology solution, please browse below.

MOVERIO Developer Resources
Access the tools you need to develop your MOVERIO ideas.

Technical Support
Find technical specs, user guides and helpful tools to improve your development workflow.


SDK Downloads
Download the MOVERIO SDK, along with optimised partner software, to begin building your own application.


App Market & Registration
Browse our large and growing selection of available apps, or register and submit your own creation.


Browse Developers
Find a development partner in Southeast Asia who can create the right solution
for you, bringing together software and hardware for your business needs.

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